My intention with the creation of this book has been to replicate what I experience when I visit the Wissahickon Park. I wanted to give expression to what I see, what I think about, and how I feel. The result is intersection of the recorded (photographs), recalled (shapes), and rendered (text). There is also a coaching guide and action steps that I hope you
use to extend this very personal gift.
use to extend this very personal gift.
Icy-blue-gold sunrises in winter, hot-mango and tomato-salsa sunsets in the fall, the sky delights me. Sparkling with mica flecks, green with grass, an Autumnal mix with fallen leaves, gray with slush, dark brown with mud, white with snow, or shiny with ice, the ground beneath my feet entertains me. The trees astound me. The animals enthrall me. The air often has something blowing, falling, or flying through the smell of the creek, rotting leaves, the arrival of snow, or flowers. I hear music in the creek rushing over stones and the language of birds.

Are you on the right path? The answers may be as close as the curl of autumn leaves.

Honor what matters most with a shimmer of golden light.
My spirit is lifted, my imagination is stoked, and I feel completely alive when I immerse myself in the place of my Lenape ancestors, the Wissahickon.
These books come out of that energy and is part of a larger body of my work channeling beauty and encouragement.